Tag Archives: Bush Tax Cuts

Tell Congress: End the #BushTaxCuts for the 2% now

29 May
Barack Obama addressing a joint session of Con...

Barack Obama addressing a joint session of Congress (State of the Union-like) on the night of February 24, 2009. Standing in front of Vice President Joe Biden (left) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (right). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last week, Nancy Pelosi urged Speaker Boehner to hold an immediate vote to make the Bush tax cuts permanent for everyone making less than $1 million annually.


It’s a good start, but we can do better.


President Obama has argued for keeping the tax cuts for those making $250,000 or less — a number much more in line with what most Americans would consider as the middle class.


As Congress gears up for a showdown on taxes this summer, we need our Democratic allies to stay true to message: the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2% need to expire. Will you send a message to Congress, and tell them to let the Bush tax cuts for the ultra-rich expire once and for all?


We need a fair tax system that works for the 99% of us who work hard and play by the rules, not the 1% who lobby hard and rewrite the rules. The Bush tax cuts overwhelmingly benefited the 1%, who ate up 38% of the Bush tax cuts. And we never got the jobs that the right wing promised would trickle down because working people with good jobs drive the economy, not the 1%.


It’s time to end these tax cuts for the ultra-rich and turn our economy back around.


Republicans claim to be deficit hawks, but they refuse to raise taxes on the nation’s wealthiest by even one cent. Rather, they have proposed gutting nearly every program working class Americans rely on just to get by.


The Bush tax cuts for the ultra-rich were always a bad idea. It’s time to end them once and for all. Contact Congress now and tell them to end the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000 a year.




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Tell Congress: End the #BushTaxCuts for the 2% now http://bit.ly/L0gzCr via @usaction #p2



Read Our Lips: Tax The Rich

21 Aug

The Other 98% - Politics for the Rest of Us


Read Our Lips: Tax The Rich

Are you as angry as we are watching Congress and the new “Super Congress” threaten Social Security and Medicare, while they defend the Bush Tax Cuts for billionaires? Warren Buffet’s recent op-ed, asking for Congress to stop coddling the Super Rich, spread like wildfire on Facebook and Twitter this week for a reason: because people have had enough.

Join our call to Congress today: it’s time to tax the rich, no exceptions, no apologies.

(Like our “Read My Lips: Tax The Rich” graphic? Donate $50 in the next 48 hours, and we’ll send you a free Read My Lips: Tax The Rich t-shirt.)

[Sign the Petitionhttp://other98.com/read-my-lips-tax-the-rich/]


Corporations pushing for job-creation tax breaks shield U.S.-vs.-abroad hiring data